Disability Discrimination Act
The DDA originally became statute back in 1995, however as part of it's implementation a number of "milestone" dates were documented by which service providers were required to make changes to the way in which they provided goods, services, facilities or the selling letting or management of premises.Simply under this legislation it is unlawful for service providers, landlords and others to discriminate against disabled persons in certain circumstances. The final milestone date was 1st October 2004 after which service providers may have to make reasonable adjustments in relation to the physical features of their premises in order to overcome any physical barriers to access.
This act affects everyone concerned with the provision of services to the public or a section of the public within the UK, whether in the private, public or even voluntary sectors, regardless of services that may be provided for free or in return for payments.
Whilst the most obvious changes to provision of services are often in place, consideration must be given to the life safety systems employed within a premises in order to meet with the requirements of this legislation.
Sunfish Services are able to provide you with the necessary expertise to modify & enhance your systems through a range of specialist products such as Audible Visual Alarms, Spoken Voice Evacuation Sounders through to Mobile Paging & Alerter solutions that can be incorporated into existing Fire Detection and Alarm Systems.